Donation to Follen Church

Please fill out this form and click submit. NOTE: As always, donations by check are welcome (and incur no processing fees, which means that Follen is able to use your entire donation). If you wish to donate by check, please make it payable to Follen Church, put the revenue account in the memo (operating pledge, capital campaign pledge, collection plate), and mail to Follen Church, 755 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA 02420. Thank you for your support.
Thank you for donating to Follen Church! Please fill in your name, email address, phone number, and the amount you wish to donate. Then check the box in the drop down menu to indicate where you would like your donation to be applied. Your donation will be received with gratitude, and put to good use in support of Follen Church.

Primary Name and Contact Information

Second Name (optional)

Please select all that apply.
If "Other," please indicate how you would like your donation to be applied:



Please fill out this form and click submit. NOTE: As always, donations by check are welcome (and incur no processing fees, which means that Follen is able to use your entire donation). If you wish to donate by check, please make it payable to Follen Church, put the revenue account in the memo (operating pledge, capital campaign pledge, collection plate), and mail to Follen Church, 755 Massachusetts Ave., Lexington, MA 02420. Thank you for your support.